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As an integral part of Le Concert Spirituel project, each season offers outreach and educational activities linked to the season programme.

Our Outreach and Education activities

Le Concert Spirituel, with its conductor Hervé Niquet and its instrumentalists and singers, is always ready to listen to a project that meets a desire for music, and is keen to pass on its passion for Baroque music to as many people as possible. Throughout the year, it offers cultural events aimed at all kinds of audiences, from neophytes to music lovers, including out-of-town audiences, schoolchildren and musicians in training.

Customised workshops

Le Concert Spirituel takes advantage of every possible opportunity and approach to baroque music to offer authentic, personalised performances through fun and educational activities, awareness-raising workshops and artistic practice. The ensemble is strongly committed to promoting access to music for all, and to strengthening social ties and living together through inclusive initiatives.

Through partnerships with cultural, educational and social organisations, Le Concert Spirituel aims to develop its cultural activities throughout Paris, the Ile-de-France region and the regions:
• young people,
• with our elders,
• with schoolchildren,
• with amateur artists through participatory concerts,
• with students, through professional integration.

Expertise offered to partner institutions

With its partners (concert halls and festivals), Le Concert Spirituel is involved in operations to raise awareness among new audiences, particularly the youngest.
• It opens its rehearsals to schoolchildren and meets the students, offering an opportunity for a privileged moment of exchange with the conductor and musicians.
• It regularly organises meetings/conferences between artists and a wide variety of audiences to discuss accessible programmes.

Our actions for inclusion

Le Concert Spirituel works primarily with children at the Hôpital Necker - Enfants malades (AP-HP). Driven by a desire to bring a little comfort to hospitalised children through music, we run participative and stimulating workshops built around dreamlike and poetic works and operas.

Our activities for schoolchildren

Le Concert Spirituel propose aux scolaires et notamment aux primaires et collégiens de s’immerger dans un opéra du répertoire baroque, passant de spectateurs à acteurs au fil d’une saison.

Sur 10 à 20 séances dans l’établissement scolaire ou sur les lieux de répétitions, Le Concert Spirituel, accompagné des équipes pédagogiques, construit avec ses intervenants musiciens des projets sur-mesure allant d’ateliers de découverte à la pratique du chant pour créer avec les élèves un objet scénique, choral, plastique ou encore vidéo.
Les activités mises en place par l’ensemble :
• atelier découverte
• analyse musicale
• rencontre avec les artistes (solistes, metteurs en scène, chef d’orchestre, chœur)
• pratique vocale/chorale avec un.e de l’ensemble
• ateliers d’écriture et de mise en scène
• restitution collaborative (différents formats : théâtre, chorale, vidéo, etc.) devant les élèves et les familles.

Pour la saison 2024/2025 :

Le Concert Spirituel propose deux projets d’actions culturelles pour cette saison : Une Flûte pour Platée à l'Hôpital Necker, des actions en faveur des enfants malades & Fauré Paisible un programme d'éveil musical en crèche.

For further information, please contact

Pierre-Olivier Sclafert

Mediation and outreach action officer
+33 (0)1 40 26 11 54