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Sacred music

Fauré's Requiem



Sacred music

Ensemble Musical Concert Scene Le Concert Spirituel Wigmore Faure

The sacred music of the Romantic period explores the extremes of religious feeling, from the most spontaneous joy to the most reflective introspection. The seriousness of the Requiem is matched by exuberant solemn masses, as Hervé Niquet and his Concert Spirituel demonstrate in this French programme.


Jean-ChristopheLanièce, Philippe EstèpheBarytons (en alternance selon les dates)

Hervé Niquet Musical direction

Solenne Guilbert 1st violin & concertmaster
François Saint-Yves Organist
Le Concert Spirituel Choir et Orchestra


>> Large cast version (big organ)

Charles Gounod                    
Messe de Clovis : Kyrie - Gloria

Alexandre Guilmant
O Salutaris

Charles Gounod
Messe de Clovis:Credo

Louis Aubert
O Salutaris

Charles Gounod
Messe de Clovis:Sanctus-Benedictus

André Caplet
Adagiopour violon et orgue

Charles Gounod
Messe de Clovis:Agnus Dei

Théodore Dubois
Benedicat vobis

>> Small cast version (positive organ)

Théodore Dubois
Benedicat vobis en si bémol majeur

Camille Saint-Saëns
Tantum ergo en mi bémol majeur
O Salutaris en la bémol majeur                                                                 
Offertoire pour la Toussaint en fa majeur

Charles Gounod
en si mineur                                                          

Léo Delibes
Ave Maris stella
en sol mineur

Camille Saint-Saëns
O Salutaris
en mi majeur                                                                          
Ave Verum en ré majeur

Théodore Dubois

Ave Maria
en sol majeur
Méditation-Prière op. 17 en ré majeur

Alexandre Guilmant
O Salutaris op. 37
en mi mineur


Gabriel Fauré                          
(based on the 1893 version)


Produced by Le Concert Spirituel, based on an idea by Palazzetto Bru Zane.



with intermission

Photo credit

Richard Cannon - Wigmore Hall septembre 2022

Additional information


Richard Cannon - Wigmore Hall septembre 2022

Two visions of the sacred repertoire in France at the end of the 19th century.

"Mon requiem a été composée pour rien....pour le plaisir, si je puis dire..." (My requiem was composed for nothing....for pleasure, if I may say so...) is how Gabriel Fauré described his Requiem, probably one of his best-known and most frequently performed scores today.

The idea of pleasure may seem incongruous in the context of a mass for the dead, but the musician saw it as a release, almost a moment of happiness, at least spiritual. And this is perhaps the secret of his success to this day, in the warm, lush sound that lifts the spirit.

Throughout his career, Gounod composed nearly twenty sacred works, most of them in the form of a mass or oratorio. The so-called Messe de Clovis is almost contemporary with Fauré's Requiem, but in a completely different spirit. Here the musician returns to the neo-Renaissance style already present in earlier pieces. An 'historicising' style, to be sure, but one that Gounod mastered.

L'enregistrement du programme est sorti chez Alpha Classics le 23 août 2024 sous la référence « Fauré Requiem » Alpha 1014.

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